Your VOTE Matters
Election Day 2022 is this Tuesday, November 8th!
You have the right to vote how you choose. If voting in person on Election Day, you have the right to privacy and accessible voting.
MTA to Provide Free Rides to Polls
The Mass Transportation Authority (MTA) will provide an
Election Day – Free Fare Day on all local fixed routes and Your Ride services.
Those requiring Your Ride services must schedule their rides by calling 810-767-5541 a minimum of 24 hours in advance, so be sure to call now to ensure you can get to the polls.
Please contact MTA for more information about Election Day – Free Fare Day and Your Ride scheduling.
Voter Information Session| Monday, November 7, 12 – 1 PM
Learn about accessible voting and voter information resources with The Disability Network as you prepare to vote on Election Day.
An interpreter will be available for this virtual information session hosted on Zoom and Facebook.
Voting Information and Tips
– You have the right to vote privately and independently in an accessible location.
– You are not required to have a photo ID to vote in Michigan. You will be asked to complete an affidavit and will be able to vote.
– Accessible voting machines are available and encouraged to be used. If you have any issues with voting, please alert the voting precinct official or your local clerk’s office. If your issue is not resolved with this individual, please call 866-your-vote.
– Preview your ballot at
Additional voting resources can be found at