Accessible Crafting Club – Tissue Paper Flowers & Valentine’s Cards
TDN Connect is a new multi-faceted program series, designed to help you learn new independent living skills by inviting you to participate in recreation and leisure programs.
This accessible program is designed to get your creative juices flowing. This includes holiday-themed activities, as well as crafts that will help you find joy and contentment in your leisure time.
Materials needed:
Tissue Paper Flower(s) –
• Tissue paper (Color of your choice)
• Green pipe cleaners
• Stapler w/ staples
• Sharpies or markers (optional)
• Scissors
Valentine Card(s) –
• Construction paper or card stock (Color of your choice)
• Small heart doilies (or construction paper heart)
• Simple valentine’s day card
• Peel away letters (check to make sure there are enough)
• Extra decorations of your choice
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86160368282?pwd=Z2ZRdlZxVUdYajJpR2xrbUkxbSs2Zz09
Meeting ID: 861 6036 8282
Passcode: 745661
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Amario Rice, Health & Recreation Specialist, at Amarior@disnetwork.org or by phone at (734) 905-2859.